The Next Big Decision

The Next Big Decision

It's been a long time coming, I know. 

It's been well over a year since I posted a fertility update because, well, we didn't know what to do. After our last attempt failed, we had to take some time to make some big decisions.

We had 6 eggs for our last IUI. That put our chances really high, and yet, still no baby. There would be different updates if there was a pregnancy, but there wasn't.

I cried. It was heartbreaking. IVF to me seems so risky. Not the procedure or the multiple pregnancies, but financially. I tend to be risk averse, and the more money that's involved, the more I dig my feet in.

Over the past year, Chris and I have entered couples' counselling, and really, that would be a real boon to anyone who's going through fertility treatments. This shit's hard, y'all!

I've cried; I've screamed; I've said hurtful things. He's said hurtful things. It's an emotional time, but when it comes down to it, we want a child that's ours, and that means IVF's our only option.

So in October of last year, we went to the bank and got a loan for $10,000 to pay for IVF. It's the bare minimum, but it's what we could get. We were set to start up in the new year, but if you've been paying attention, 2020 has been — well, a shit show.

Our fertility clinic shut down in March, only allowing those who were in mid-treatment to continue. We were not among them. 

They reopened last month, and we finally called today to confirm we're moving forward with IVF. Now we just have to wait for CD1!

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