50+ things to do during the Two Week Wait

50+ things to do during the Two Week Wait

The absolute worst part about trying to get pregnant is the dreaded Two Week Wait between when you ovulate and when you should get your period. You can technically take a pregnancy test about 10 days after ovulation, but it only becomes dependable the day of your missed period.

But you're still waiting to find out. Especially if you've gone through a fertility treatment (like I just did), and you need to do something to kill the time and not think about whether you're pregnant or not. Here are 100 things to take your mind off the time.

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IUI at last!

IUI at last!

It's finally time for our first (and hopefully only IUI). 

Our procedure was complicated, but it went off without a hitch. Now all we have to do is wait!

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Symptoms (or not?)

Symptoms (or not?)

I go over my symptoms (or not) on my first week of Letrozole. 

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Round One: Fight!

Round One: Fight!

I have to say that I'm experiencing a lot of emotions I haven't for a while.

I've looked forward to getting my period for the first time in two years.

I feel hopeful for the first time in over a year.

I'm nervous and excited and scared and worried and anticipative. 

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The Big Decision

The Big Decision

We make our followup trip to the fertility specialist and make decisions about our future.

We have to decide between IUI or IVF. Medication or no medication. Now or later. 

Our decisions and how they affect us.

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Taking A Break

Taking A Break

Everyone tells you that if you "just stop trying" that pregnancy will just happen. I'm here to tell you that, if you say that to a couple who is TTC, they will have to avoid punching you. 

That being said, trying to get pregnant for two years is exhausting. And sometimes, you just need a break. We need one right now.

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Funding Fertility - Poverty for a Miracle?

Funding Fertility - Poverty for a Miracle?

When it comes to fertility treatments, costs vary wildly between U.S. Clinics which gives rise to the question "How much is the treatment and how much is extra?" I discuss the difference in costs between Canada and the U.S. and the price differences between regions/states to illustrate how every couple's search for their miracle is not just medical, but financial.
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HSG - The Real Deal

HSG - The Real Deal

Today, I have a hysterosalpingography which, aside from being hard to spell, is also hard to pronounce. When you get an HSG, a doctor of radiology injects a radiation-sensitive into your uterus and fallopian tubes and then takes a picture. It's supposed to show whether there are blockages in your reproductive organs. Women's experiences with HSG vary greatly, so I thought I'd write about mine on the day of.

We'll talk about why you need an HSG, when you should have one, and what preparations you should take. Then, right after the procedure, I'll tell you all about my experience with it!
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Fertility & Faith

Fertility & Faith

I was raised in the Southern Baptist church where all things are divinely intended at all times. The slogan of my home church could have been "God doesn't make mistakes." No pregnancy is an accident, and if you can't have a child, it's because God has said, "Not yet."

Faith would be so easy if it were just people who want babies not having them.

Parents torturing, threatening, and killing their children grace the headlines on a regular basis, and it just seems unfair that these terrible people have been blessed with so many children that they then abuse when we want to love just one (maybe two).

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Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait

As a couple who is trying to conceive, it sometimes feels as if all we are ever told is to "wait a little longer."

Though it's absolutely fair for us to have to wait a little, it becomes exhausting after a while. 

I've never been a patient person. I'm certain my parents would tell anyone who would listen that I have never been able to wait for anything. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that 21 months (as of right now) waiting to get pregnant is a special kind of torture for me.

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Fertility Abbreviations

Fertility Abbreviations

If you've spent any time on Fertility Forums, you probably have been trying to figure out why someone BD'd til their OPK showed an LH surge and now they're in the TWW and has FX that AF doesn't come but instead, they get a BFP.

 That's because, in the world where you're Trying to Conceive (TTC), you get really tired of typing Basal Body Temperature (BBT) over and over. We just start to abbreviate. It's like texting but for people who are trying to have babies.

So, if you're a little lost, here's a quick and concise list of what you're probably going to see.

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Fertility Apps: Ovulation Detectors

Fertility Apps: Ovulation Detectors

Ovulation Detectors are apps that use your Basal Body Temperature and other data to show you when you actually ovulated. Rather than predicting your ovulation based on your cycle length, they show you the spike in body temperature. These can be the most scientifically-based, but they also tend to miss out on forecasting your expected fertile period.
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